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Intrinsic Extroversion – Reaching Out By Reaching In

It’s all in the genes Many of you have only met me in the last few years and most likely it has been through social media – forums, facebook, twitter, etc. Truth is I’ve been participating in social media in its most archaic forms since I was a child and that was initially fostered by my father. I get my geeky genes from him. After all, my dad’s idea of heaven is was Radio Shack. What a ham! My dad became an amateur radio operator (also known as ham radio) in 1956. He’d talk to people from around the world while sitting in his bedroom, all through the use of technology. (Incidentally, I’m am amateur radio operator too – callsign VE1TAM). When I was a young child I remember going down into our basement to his ham shack (what amateur radio operator’s call their room of radio gear). He had […]

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